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Into the Unknown- Reflection on Frozen 2

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

Frozen 2 was released last Thursday and in typical Disney fangirl fashion, I was there opening night. I was captivated by the storyline, artwork, detail that went into the characters, and of course, the music. Once the movie was over and the credits started rolling, I took a few seconds to myself to try to understand everything that I had just watched. I turned to my friend, who is also a seminary student, and I said: "I don't think we'll ever be able to watch movies the same again." By this, I meant that throughout the movie I saw so many parts that were in relationship to the Gospel and what I have been learning in my first semester. I was in awe of the beauty of it, but I would be lying if I didn't have a moment of panic when I realized it would be tough to turn off my brain to even enjoy even something as simple and light-hearted as Disney movies.

One part of the Frozen 2 that stood out to me was the song, "Into the Unknown". (This song is in the first few minutes of the movie- so I promise there will not be any spoilers!) Elsa hears a "whisper", or siren, but cannot quite pinpoint where it is coming from or what it is trying to tell her. While I was in the audience, I felt as though I could relate to her at that moment and as I have reviewed the lyrics- I now understand why.

Here are the lyrics to the first half of the song:

"I can hear you but I won't. Some look for trouble while others don't. There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day and ignore your whispers which I wish would go away.

You're not a voice, you're just a ringing in my ear. And if I heard you, which I don't, I'm spoken for I fear. Everyone I've ever loved is here within these walls. I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls. I've had my adventure, I don't need something new, I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you into the unknown."

Through these lyrics, I see a reflection of my spiritual journey. During high school and the beginning of college, I had subtle nudges of the Holy Spirit. At the time, I didn't know that's what they were which is similar to the point that Elsa doesn't understand what the whispers and sirens are that she is hearing. She cannot deny that she hears them, but she does not want to listen to them. When Elsa says "Everyone I've ever loved is here within these walls", she is creating an excuse for why she shouldn't follow the siren that she hears. She feels comfortable and safe right where she is, so why would she change that for the unknown- a future she cannot predict? When Jesus called his first disciples to follow him, I would imagine that they were in a similar boat. They were comfortable. They had everything that they needed- work, friends, and family. However, when the call came they didn't ask questions such as "what is in it for me?" or "what does following you entail?", they just went for it.

My spiritual journey was more like Elsa's. I ignored little nudges for as long as I could until I had finally had nowhere else I could go. I had my family, I was studying a degree that ensured financial wellness, and I had great friends. Why would I give it all up for something that I couldn't explain and had no control over all for an outcome that was completely unknown to me?

The next part of the song goes like this:

"What do you want? 'Cause you've been keeping me awake. Are you here to distract me so I make a big mistake? Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me? Who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be?"

God, through the Holy Spirit, has a way of working on people's hearts. He does not give up. Everyone longs for something more but there is only one thing that can fulfill it. If you long for more followers on Instagram, you'll never be satisfied. If you long for more money, you'll never be satisfied. The twenty-first century is a crazy time because people have so much at that fingertips- but it still will never be enough. And they're starting to realize it. People are starting to ask the questions- "what can fulfill me?" The answer is terrifying because it isn't something tangible that we can grasp.

Elsa recognizes that what she thought would be fulfilling for her life, isn't quite adding up. Deep down, she senses that she isn't living the life that she feels as though she should be living.

Elsa's song ends with a series of questions. She asks,

"Are you out there? Do you know me? Can you feel me? Can you show me? Where are you going? Don't leave me alone. How do I follow you into the unknown?"

Eventually, it gets to a point where Else can't ignore it. Similarly, the Holy Spirit can nudge and whisper on your heart to a point where it can't be ignored. Here's a small spoiler, but I don't feel bad for it because it is what the entire movie is about and can be assumed by the trailers: Elsa follows the siren and whispers that she is hearing. Don't we all dream of being like Disney princesses? This is your chance too, take the step into the unknown. Follow the whispers and nudges on your heart. It isn't a spooky siren, it's the Holy Spirit. In good-old Disney fashion, the movie has a "happily ever after". If you take the first step into the unknown, your story also will have a "happily ever after" that is even better than you can imagine.

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