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Iowa Girl Chasing After God's Heart

Updated: Mar 2, 2020

“Is this heaven?”

“No, it’s Iowa.”

- Field of Dreams

I'm an Iowa girl chasing after God's heart. I was born and raised in Des Moines, and I graduated from the University of Iowa. Growing up in a small state in the Midwest, I admire the people from Iowa who have made an impact on the world. For example, Shawn Johnson was a gold medalist in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, and she has used her platform to inspire women around the world. She grew up on the other side of town & look at her now!

I sometimes feel as though I need to be from California, or New York to do something "big." But then I remember that God has placed me exactly where He wants me to be. Doing something "big" is just a relative term anyway. I may (I wanted to say "I will"- but crazier things have happened) never be a famous actress on movies from Los Angeles, and I may never be a CEO of a big company in New York, but I can make an impact on lives right here in good ol' Iowa.

It starts by chasing God's heart and His desires for me.

I am not using the word "chasing" as a catchy word, I am using it literally. According to my friend, Google Dictionary, to "chase" someone means to "hurry or run after someone or something to catch them." I am not following God, but I am actively chasing and actively seeking His heart.

For me, chasing after God looks pretty crazy right now. He has put a desire on my heart to help marginalized youth through a non-profit program I started last year called RePlay. He has put a desire on my heart compete for Miss Iowa this summer. He has put a desire on my heart to start this blog and shop. He has set a passion in my heart to step into ministry and work at my church. If I were trying to juggle all of these things on my own, it would be impossible. I go to bed every night wondering "How did I get everything done today? How am I going to have the energy to keep this up?" But, things keep falling into place, I keep waking up with renewed energy to tackle the day, and I keep chasing.

How are you chasing God's heart right now? Are you being active in the chase or are you just walking and hoping to catch Him? Imagine it's like there has been a $1,000,000 reward put out there if you can catch the burglar that just robbed the bank. You're going to run pretty darn fast to capture the burglar, no matter how exhausting it is. There is a reward for chasing God also, joy and peace and rejuvenated energy to keep chasing.

Maybe you're at a place, and you don't know what you're supposed to chase. That's okay. Pray that God makes it clear to you where He wants to use you. Pray that your heart and your desires match His heart and His desires for you. Eventually, it will be so obvious you won't be able to avoid it. God has great plans for you & it is so fun to see them unfold once you're on his path.

The quote at the beginning of this blog is from the legendary movie, Field of Dreams, which was made in Iowa! Don't let it fool you though that this is just a quote from a movie, Iowa is often confused with heaven. A little background: Ray, an Iowan farmer, heard a voice tell him "If you build it, they will come." Ray listened to the calling placed on his heart and built a beautiful baseball field in his back yard. Although people thought Ray was crazy, he didn't stop making his field. Eventually, miracles started to unfold on the field. If miracles happened in a tiny town in Iowa and miracles can happen right where you are at too if you are chasing after God.

So, tie up your sneakers & go chase God like you used to chase the cute boys on the playground. It doesn't matter where you are, whether you're in Iowa or Los Angeles. God is going to use you right where you are.

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