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Personal Reflection: COVID-19 | 4 things I learned during a global pandemic



As the world starts to wake up from its not-so-restful sleep that was brought by COVID-19, I catch myself reflecting on the last two months. In a matter of days, billions of people’s worlds flipped upside down. Universities closed, businesses had to shut down, and restaurants were empty night after night. I was in Waco, Texas, on spring break when Baylor University announced that they would be extending break and continuing classes online, so I packed up my car and headed back to Des Moines to be with my family. Those first few days, or weeks, were scary because it felt as though no one knew what was going on. The world was set on fire, with no way to extinguish it. 

It took time to get used to my new routine of online classes, finding ways to entertain myself while I was at home and stuck inside. I feel as though I finally started to get the hang of it just as the world is beginning to stir. As I watched this pandemic take over the world, there are four things that I have learned during this time that I would like to share.

1. Everyone responds differently. 

No single person is the same as another person. Some of the people who I am closest to, and I thought we were pretty similar, have responded to COVID way differently than I have. I do not know if there is technically a right or a wrong way in our responses, but it is respecting that everyone responds differently. I have muted people on Instagram or Facebook when I am not able to respect their response to COVID. Sometimes it stirred unrest in my heart, it stirred worry, and instead of telling them that I disagreed with them, I just stepped back and protected my own heart. Sure, I can educate people, share my opinions or thoughts, but I can never change someone. 

2. I do not have control. 

I have come to realize that it is crazy for me to think that I have control when there are 7 billion people worldwide. Sure, I have control over myself, but I do not have control when it comes to circumstances that include even one other person. I recognize different areas or people that I have let control my life in terms of thoughts, fears, goals, or expectations, and I have been humbled. God is ultimately in control. 

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go” Joshua 1:9

3. The call to care for the oppressed is higher than ever. 

Biblically, Christians are called to care for the oppressed countless times in the Bible. Often, the oppressed are discussed as widows and orphans. However, according to my good friend, the Dictionary, “oppressed” is defined as those who are heavily burdened, mentally, physically or facing adverse trials. In the time of COVID-19, this includes those who are in the at-risk age group, those who are immune-compromised, and those who struggle to survive during this pandemic. I will do my best to do my part. I will wear a mask in public, and I will take extra precautions to keep others and myself healthy. At the end of the day, God holds these people in the palm of His hands, and that is more than enough. 

"The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble." Psalm 9:9

4. Every single person is important.  

I embarrassingly admit that in the past, I have not shown the grocery store or gas station clerks the respect that they deserve. I regretfully have had a higher moral standard of myself than fast-food workers. Right now, the fact that I am a graduate student does not mean as much as those who are putting their lives at risk to keep us alive. I humbly apologize for my internal remarks and beliefs of anyone who holds these positions that are proven to be absolutely essential. Never again will I take the McDonalds drive-thru for granted. Never again will I take a trip to the grocery store for granted. I have tremendous appreciation for those who have put their health at risk during this time. 

"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work." 1 Corinthians 12:4

Often we say things are all apart of "God’s plan", perhaps I’ll write another blog post on this idea, but for right now I want to say that I do not believe God planned Coronavirus. I do not think that God put the virus on earth to punish people. God’s foreknowledge is different than “planning.” However, I do know that there will be good that comes from this pandemic, and I know that God has been present every second. Self-isolation from God is not possible. 

As we start to become more active, return to our old routines, or create new routines, I encourage you to reflect on the last few months. How has God been at work in your life? What has become prevalent to you? Moving forward, how can you prioritize things that are important to you even when other things beg for your attention? 

I pray that you stay safe and healthy during these crazy times. God bless.

COVID-19 Sources!!

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