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Song of The Month: Take Heart

"Woke up this morning and life as you know it looks nothing like the kind of life you knew before. All of a sudden, fear stole the headlines, and it doesn't feel safe to even step outside your door."

Que 2020. How was I living a completely different lifestyle just four months ago? I was not living in fear of my health, not living broken-hearted for my oppressed brothers and sisters, and completely oblivious to how quickly the world can change. Take Heart by Matthew West speaks into this season that we find ourselves in. It primarily illustrates the message found in John 16:33 through song and worship.

"In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

John 16:33

In this passage, Jesus recognizes the internal and external battle humans face. Never, in the Gospels, does Jesus deny that living on Earth is easy. One thing that makes Jesus relatable for Christians is knowing and understanding that Jesus faced many of the same struggles that we do. Jesus is no stranger to the fears of the world or caring for the oppressed. He saw it all and continues to stand by our side through it all.

In John 16:33, in the original Greek, "take heart" is translated to "take courage." Not to be mistaken as "take heart" in the sense of relax, but "take courage" with confidence that God has indeed overcome the world and trials that you face. It takes courage to face our fears and the things that stare us down. When we act out of courage instead of fear, as the world tells us to act, we give God room to work through us. We reflect Him into the world.

The song continues, "when the world falls all around you, I won't let you fall apart. So, take heart." Although the world around us is changing right before our eyes and we are forced to face a new normal, it is not more than God can handle. And since we have God by our side, it is not more than we can handle. Yes, it is daunting, but we can find comfort knowing that God has overcome the darkness and pain of the world. Therefore, we too will overcome the darkness and pain of the world.

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