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5 Takeaways from the Book of Jonah

Updated: Dec 21, 2020

During July, I did an in-depth study on the Book of Jonah! You probably grew up hearing about the prophet, Jonah, and how he was swallowed by a big fish where he spent a handful of days before he was spit back up.

I have 5 takeaways from the Book of Jonah today that go beyond the surface of the story that I am excited to share with you! 

1. God always uses us as a witness, even if we are disobedient. 

At the beginning of the story, God called Jonah to go to the city of Ninevah and tell them to repent from their sins. Out of fear and doubt, Jonah turned the opposite way and ran away from God's call. He got on a ship with sailors and headed the opposite direction of Ninevah, and even though he wasn't following God's commandments, God still used him. God used him on a ship of sailors who we know didn't believe in God, but worshipped their own idols. Through Jonah, they turned to God. In verse 1:14, they called out to God and said, "O Lord, let us not perish for this man's life…" They turned from their idols and called out to the God of the heavens and earth. Even through Jonah's disobedience, God used Him as a witness to lead others to Him.

2. God has the power to overturn science and physics as we know it to perform a miracle. 

After the sailors turned to God and threw Jonah into the sea, Jonah was swallowed by a big fish. Sometimes people get caught up in this part of the story. They try to figure out if it is possible to get swallowed by a fish and survive. By focusing on this, they are missing out on the story of God's grace and redemption. If you are stuck wondering if this story actually happened and if you can believe it, whether or not it is possible is not for us to decide. The God who created everything on earth and who created science as we know it today can overturn it! If God is behind it, it's definitely possible. Don't get caught up questioning the law of physics with the creator of physics. If you do this, you miss out on the true story of God's compassion and redemption.

3. When we find ourselves in deep, dark places, as Jonah finds himself in the belly of the fish, the only way out is to turn to God. 

Chapter two recounts how Jonah called out to God from the belly of the fish. He was in a dark, lonely, scary place, and instead of dwelling in this place for long, he immediately called out to God. I have struggled with depression for a significant part of my life, and I feel like I can relate to finding myself in a really dark, lonely, and scary places. I learned from The Book of Jonah that instead of letting myself hang out in these places for days, weeks, and even months, I need to turn to God immediately. Jonah 2:5-7 stood out it me. As Jonah was crying out to God from the belly, he said,

"The waters closed in over me to take my life; the deep surrounded me… yet you brought up my life from the pit, O' Lord my God. When my life was fainting away, I remembered the Lord, and my prayer came to you."

If you have dealt with depression or know someone who has, this hits those dark times when it sometimes feels like there is no way out. God brings up life from the pit, and He redeems it.

When Jonah was spat up from the belly of the fish, he was a changed man. When you encounter God, and when He saves you, you are a changed person. The only way out of darkness is by seeking light.

4. Our words and our actions do not have to be high and mighty for God to use them. 

Sometimes I compare myself to people who's words are eloquent and beautiful, and I think that God can't use me through my little education or smaller vocab. But Jonah proves this wrong! In the shortest sermon in HISTORY, Jonah calls out to Ninevah and says, "Yet forty days and Ninevah shall be overthrown!" Eight words! That was it! Jonah didn't go on, and on, with words that created beautiful imagery, he just said eight words of warning, and the entire city had a change of heart! Eight simple words dug into the hearts of the people of Ninevah and flipped their whole lives! 

When I think of something simple that I could say that could change people's lives, I come up with three words that changed my life. It is "Jesus loves you." Imagine if you just went out and said that to people and that God had prepared their hearts for that encounter. Through three words (less than the eight words Jonah used), their life was changed forever. You do not need to use fancy words, or do big crazy things to show people who God is.

5. No one is too far gone for God. God will welcome EVERYONE into His Kingdom if they open their hearts to Him.

We see this right off the bat when sailors turn from their idols to God, the creator of heaven and earth. Sailors were unlikely to worship God, but then we see that their hearts were changed, and they called out to God. Next, we see Ninevah, a city that participated in murder, adultery, drunkenness, and more. Through Jonah's words, their hearts were changed, and they turned to God even though they had committed terrible sins, they were saved. And then we see Jonah, who turned away from God and ran the opposite direction of where he was being called, also turn back to God. God worked on his heart while he was in the belly of the fish so that Jonah turned back to Him.

In the Book of Jonah, we learn that no one is too far gone or too far out of reach for God. Whatever your past consists of, however far you've run away from God… He is there waiting for you to open your heart to Him.

I hope that those five takeaways have a similar impact on your life as they have had on mine. I want to encourage you to read the book of Jonah and see these truths for yourself! The book is four chapters, so it moves pretty quickly! Let God speak into your heart as you read and let Him bring the words in the big book to life for you!

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