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Women in History: Mother Mary

Updated: Mar 7, 2020

It’s Women’s in History month!!! So, let’s take a closer look at some iconic daughters of the King. In Luke 1, an angel appears to a young woman & tells her that she is going to have a baby! The child will be called, Jesus & the baby will be holy & called the Son of God.

Instead of running the opposite direction, Mary says “I am the servant of the Lord” (1:38). WOW. Mary knew her identity as a daughter of the King. Mary knew that God provides and although this sounds a little crazy... when God calls we need to answer. Often times I wonder how I would react or what I would do & I don’t know if I’d run the opposite way, complain, ask questions... but I don’t know if I would immediately respond as Mary did.

Mary’s faith is shown in three ways:

1) Mary believes she’ll actually become pregnant against science. In English, our text reads that Mary is a "virgin" meaning that she has never had sexual intimacy. In original language, this word is translated to "women". Regardless, carrying the Son of God doesn't exactly sound like an everyday thing. We know that Jesus is both fully God and fully human. When the angel told Mary that she would be carrying and giving birth to the Son of God, she didn't question God's ability.

2) Mary shows a willingness to have her life turned completely upside down for God. I don't want to speak for Mary... but I do not think that she expected to have an angel show up and to become pregnant before she was married. Pregnancy and a child will change a women's life whether it is planned or unplanned. Mary

3) Mary agrees to risk her identity in society & culture for the Kingdom. To be pregnant before marriage would be a major scandal during this time. It is hard to go against culture but we are reminded in the Bible that God is not of this word and to be a steward often times does not look the same as the world does.

So, to wrap it up. Mary is a boss woman of Christian History for carrying our Savior, Jesus Christ, into the world. Her faithfulness & stewardship is inspiring. Let us not forget to celebrate women in history not just this month, but every month—every day!

Check back this month to learn about other Women in History who have left their mark on Christianity!

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